Short Film
Release Date: November 5 2022
Director: King Dawit
Writer: Alyssia Abbigail
DOP: Ryan Ward
Producer: King Dawit and Lisa Kockeritz
Starring Ashley Bryant, Maria-Crystal Melo, James M. Smith, Shawn Vincent, Wayne Yuan
Filmed: October 15 2022
Produced by Nostalgice Film and Green Ravine Productions
A street-busking Pierrot clown dreams of fame, but finds the place she's calling home less than supportive.
VOID OF JOY was the Nostalgice Film entry for the Toronto 48 Hour Film Fest, written, filmed and edited within a weekend from October 14 to 16 2022. Following the story of a performer finding herself in a home she doesn't feel welcome in anymore, VOID OF JOY was the collaboration of 18 creatives -- cast and crew -- giving up their weekend to create something incredible together.